Sound familiar? You’ve heard it before as your legs are pumping the pedals that your feet are clipped in to, hands gripping the bar that your towel is draped over. The lights are dim and the energy builds, the music gets you in sync, and you are starting to get into it. For me, this is a Soul Cycle class, for you, it may be your Peloton bike.

For those who have not experienced either, it’s that part of your workout when you start to check out and go through the motions until you are pushed to add a touch, turn it up, re-focus & re-engage.
Right when you’re feeling good, like, I can handle this, I got this, you hear “reach down & add a touch”. And everyone is doing just that, you have to do something, and so you do, and you feel it, with just that touch of the wheel.
It doesn’t take a lot, feeling the change, the resistance, pushing yourself more out of that smooth & easy ride.
Step Off The Bike
But off your bike you usually don’t add a touch, you just keep coasting, keeping your head above water. I mean, you are juggling a lot, the kids, the family, not to mention managing it all while living under the same roof, under some stressful circumstances.
Who can think about kale when the kids have virtually no summer camp in the forecast??
Chill out and break it down
There is something that gnaws at you, a habit you hold that kind of annoys you, like,
Why do I need so much coffee to get through the day
Why am I starving at 3pm, every day
Why do I crave something sweet
What is this little stomach pouch that will not go away
And thinking about tackling any of these things feels like way too much of a commitment. You can’t imagine “giving up” coffee or chocolate or popcorn during your 1000th family movie night.
You want to be "all in" or "nothing at all", but the small stuff is what usually sticks.
What’s a touch can you add today (not tomorrow)?
Start with a mile, not a 5k
Start with a 5k, not a marathon
Start with a smoothie
Start with adding one new vegetable this week
Start with skipping your afternoon snack between lunch and dinner
Start with being still for one minute
Add a Full Turn
Yes, as the class builds you will for sure hear “add a full turn” and there are times for that, too. But the little touches always boost your confidence and momentum for the bigger ones.
Need a push?
I can help you add a touch or a turn, even if you don’t know what that is yet.
Just like your favorite class, your instructor is key in adding a touch or adding a turn.
Lots of Love, Tons of Health & Best of Luck w/the Kids this Summer,