Would your parents ever have built something like this for you? Not mine either.

But this was our weekend project. We dedicated all this time, preparation and attention to detail (well, my husband did, mostly, while we pitched in wherever he would let us).
What has happened from then until now?
We have shifted. Just as our parents shifted from their parents.
But sometimes we forget that we can shift. We hold on to....
How we've always been
How we've always done things
How we've always eaten
How we never lose weight
How we just are who we are
And sometimes we don't know how to shift....
How to change habits
How to not feel guilty
How to eat kale and like it
How to stick to something
How to actually feel good about yourself
The good news is...
You don't have to know everything.
Because if we can build a half pipe in our backyard, your goals are certainly not a pipe dream.
Here's to lots of love, tons of health and crazy backyard projects,