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Good To Great

Life off the Yoga Mat

Ok, this is kind of another way of talking about those dusty New Year’s (what’s that??) resolutions you made thousands of years ago that seemed so exciting, alluring, future and forward thinking. But, as time passes and life picks back up again-back to school, back to work, party’s over-fitting in all that “extra” stuff seems more and more out of reach.

Sometimes, out of reach can be more like, out of your comfort zone. Like, that fitness studio/ yoga studio/juice bar/ restaurant /etc. you dreamed of opening, that cross country family vacation in an RV you planned and plotted in your mind, and sticking with that new workout schedule (hello, dusty Peloton bike) just got more complicated and less realistic.

And, by the way, life is actually good, just as it is. You have friends, family, a roof over your head, money in the bank and free time (I mean, you are reading this blog so I’m guessing you have a little free time). You are able to stock your pantry and fridge, your closets each season, take a vacation, or two, or three during the year. Why not just be happy exactly as you are and appreciate all that your life has provided for you?

To get to the point, it’s because all this “Good” can be the enemy of the potential, unknown, uncomfortable, time consuming “Great”.

We typically spend most of our lives up to this point, with specific markers of success and “greatness”: getting good grades, accumulating trophies, obtaining a high school degree, then a college degree, then a master’s degree, then another master’s degree, then the perfect job, the perfect spouse or partner, the greatest children to raise in the most beautiful house. Then we get to that point when it’s harder to fill in that blank “Life would be great when______” or “The next awesome goal I have in life is___________.”

But that’s exactly when things get good. When you have to go deeper, take chances, do things that are uncomfortable. It could be borrowing money to fund a dream project, trying something new that you might fail at, joining a book club, hosting a fundraiser, running a marathon, moving to a new home (in the state, out of state, or out of the country), asking for a promotion or leaving a miserable job, turning your hobby or side hustle into your main income earning, mortgage paying gig, and so much more.

I can only speak about this because I recognize that I periodically need to check in with and reset my own version of “Good” and of “Great”. Finding the balance between appreciating everything just as it is while challenging myself to go a little further.

Where to begin?

Here are some things you can do to get your juices flowing, get creative, think outside the box, get excited, get some energy, enthusiasm and maybe learn about yourself and those you are closest to.

1. Make a Vision Board: Yes, the tried and true Vision Board will put those catalogs and magazines to good use. I’ve personally had most success doing these when I sign up for some type of workshop or attend an event where it’s one of the activities.

2. Journal: Whether you prefer to write first thing in the morning or the last thing before your head hits the pillow, those tend to be the 2 best times when your mind is more settled and you can have your supplies at the ready in your night stand. You can tap into what fuels you and depletes you without having to consider outside judgement.

3. Talk about where you want to live or be in 20 years: What state/country? What climate? Landlocked or Coastal? Urban or Rural? 4 Seasons or 2? Near family or flex: 6 months in one place/6 in another (Maybe Snowbird)? This can help you decide what you can be doing now to fuel that goal- taking extended trips to certain places, thinking of how you can work and live now to create this lifestyle for the future.

4. Each year (you can start this any given month!) write the good of the previous year/the not so good of the previous year and what you hope to happen/achieve in the year ahead. You can do this as a dinner or car conversation, writing down what everyone says or doing it on your own. The year usually flies by without a check in to what actually happened and what you actually want to happen.

As I watch my nieces, nephew, neighbors and friend’s kids going off to college, it is a time filled with such hope and excitement. Something happens when we check all the “boxes” and are not sure what the next big, exciting step is. Take yourself back to that place, and enjoy where it takes you!

With Lots of Love and Tons of Health,



Are you curious about how to harmonize your health goals? How to fit wellness into your busy schedule? Let’s talk!

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I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I learned about more than one hundred

dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.

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